Media Relations


Media is an important public to keep engaged. Through them, we can share our clients’ stories, their missions and receive more attention from our other publics. The same we have used public engagement to build relationships with our stakeholders, we will develop relationships with the media, so they have our clients on top of mind when they need sources for their stories.

We offer the following media relations services:

-Media List Building – Zetlin will build media lists for clients based on topics and interest. Each pitch will have a different list of journalists based on the angle of the pitch and the topics the journalists have covered in the past.

-Media Tracking – being up to date with what is happening in the world is important. This helps us develop ideas that can be pitched in the future. We will keep track of publications that write about topics related to our clients and when necessary, we will share with clients to determine if there’s a possibility on doing a pitch around that topic.

-Pitching – we will work closely with the client to identify and prepare key spokespersons that can speak on behalf of the organization. Once we identify the source, we develop a pitch with an angle that will be of interest to specific journalist and pitch it to them. We will follow up via email and phone if necessary.

Clips – after a story is published or aired, we will develop a clip document where you will be able to see the title of the media, the number of circulation/unique monthly visitors/views, the date, title of the story and content. If the story is aired on television, we will work with clipping services to receive the clip.

Thought Leadership – we want our clients to become thought leaders in the media. Through the elaboration of op-eds, the spokesperson can write an article based on their knowledge and experience; or we can assist by drafting an article based on their answers and sharing with the spokesperson for their approval. Then, we will pitch to key journalists and media that have opinion sections. This will help position our clients and spokespersons as experts in certain topics and could lead to journalist asking them to be sources in future stories.

-Media Training – we will help spokespeople prepare for interviews with the media through roleplay and providing them feedback. Also, before every interview they might have, Zetlin will develop a document with questions, which can be given by the journalist or possible questions created by our communication strategists, and also with key points to have in mind and mention during the interview.

-Media Reports – each month, Zetlin will develop a media report to keep track of the pitches and published stories for the month. It will include key messages, impressions and views for the month and cumulative impressions/views to date. It will also include pending stories and future pitches angles or topics.