Our Communication Strategies anticipate obstacles, deliver solutions and provide peace of mind.

Access to the Region's Core


Zetlin's strategy for the ARC project achieved a 180-degree turn around in public opinion on the New York side of the Hudson River.  Zetlin engage major business and civic organization to help convey the economic benefits to New Yorkers of better access for New Jersey Transit. 

Roosevelt Avenue Bridge

Sometimes you need to see something to understand it.

Green Infrastructure Improvements


Whether it is a large bridge impacting multiple neighborhoods or a rain garden impacting one property - every project starts with a strategy.

Our strategies reach across demographics through content-driven, award-winning platforms. We employ high and low tech tools to ensure distribution, reception and – most importantly – action.

City Island Bridge Reconstruction


By working a grass roots level, Zetlin was able to help NYCDOT change course and build a bridge the community would embrace connecting Pelham Park and this island community. 

Route 9A Reconstruction

In over a decade on the post-9/11 reconstruction project, Zetlin kept thousands of residents and commuters notified and informed of construction activities and public engagement opportunities.

Route 347


A major local connecting road, Zetlin, working with NYSDOT, crafted a program to focus on not only daily commuters but local homeowners and businesses as well.

Our public engagement events are designed to elicit useful data that helps clients shape their perspectives, products and policies.

Jackson Heights Neighborhood Transportation Study

Working outside the box was the theme in this bustling diverse neighborhood.  Through weekend open houses and innovative workshops, Zetlin helped NYCDOT create last improvements such as Diversity Plaza.

Alexander Hamilton Bridge School Program

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In order to help connect the local community to a new skate park, Zetlin crafted a program to work with a local school to allow students to learn about design and to build their own mini-skate parks. 

Fresh Creek Resiliency Project

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Working with the Governor’s Office of Storm Resiliency, Zetlin led the conversation with local stakeholders to prevent future flooding from the creek during extreme rain events.

When asked to perform a communication audit, Zetlin reviews all available, current internal and external communications vehicles, graphics, branding, existent protocols and formal and informal communications channels the client has to offer. In our review, each piece will be individually examined for how and what it conveys graphically and in its expression. On a parallel basis, we will review the external messaging on a client’s social media platforms and website.  

Our data collection and evaluation for planning projects and studies are key to achieve comprehensive results and community support. Using these metrics, Zetlin can analyze how a client communicates with it's audience and can improve on their communication skills.

North Shore Alternatives Analysis


Working hand-in-hand with New York City Transit, Zetlin harnesses it's knowledge of Staten Islanders to create a public involvement programs to examine options for the abandon rail right-of-way on Staten Island's North Shore.

West of Hudson Regional Transportation Study


Zetlin aided MetroNorth Rail Road in soliciting community input on a better connection to Stewart Airport by transit and to increase transit options west of the Hudson River in New York State.

Downtown Mineola Revitalization


As Long Island Railroad sought to redesign and enhance their Mineola Station, Zetlin was brought on board to help LIRR find out from the local community what enhancements would help revitalize their local downtown area. 

Our games – interactive and innovative tools of public engagement – elicit information in highly sensitive circumstances.

Chinatown Curbside Management Study


Engaging an insular community with long held history of being difficult to attract to meetings requires a special touch.  To help NYCDOT accomplish this, Zetlin enlisted the help of a local organization and together they crafted an executed a series of small workshops that featured games rather than presentations.  These were brought to where the community already met such as adult education classes, community centers, business group meetings and senior centers.

Bus Rapid Transit Visioning Workshops


Introducing a new transit concept to New Yorkers can be both fun and frustrating, Zetlin took this opportunity to turn the average workshop on it's head and create a new way.  These innovative workshops became the standard for NYCDOT and other city agencies. 

Downtown Hicksville Revitalization Plan

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Zetlin crafted three workshops for the Downtown Hicksville Revitalization Plan, including a Monopoly-style game that allowed local residents to choose where to invest their “Hicksville Dollars”.